Within the context of data-driven Industry 4.0 supply chains, the DMSCA Corporate Mentoring Program (CMP) provides a comprehensive, AI-enhanced development, digitalization, and sustainability framework for diverse small-midsize manufacturers (SMMs). Through personalized training, performance and maturity alignment, certification, mentorship, and resource access, the program ensures that suppliers are well-prepared to meet the demands of customers. Our approach involves Change Management; Supply Chain Centric Transition; a marketing Pull versus Push approach ; commensurate Workforce Training and Talent Acquisition ; and, measuring Economic Impact.

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Supply Chain Centric

  • SMMs’ exclusive improvements within their four walls on the shop floor is not sufficient for competitive supply integration and performance alignment with MNEs’ accelerating Industry 4.0 mandates for such as data sharing and transparency. SMMs development requires that they develop with a view towards transitional from yesterday’s Linear Supply Chain Networks (LSNs) where processes are not connected in real time; information across processes is not available in real-time; and data silos exist between MNEs and SMMs to Digital Supply Networks (DSNs) where processes are connected in real-time, information is always available in real-time, and where no data silos exist between MNEs and SMEs.

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Change Management

  • In today’s accelerating Industry 4.0 supply chains, change is the new normal. For both multinational enterprises (MNEs) and small-mid-sized manufacturers’ (SMM’s) change management is the new challenge to attain and/or remain competitive. While Awareness fosters activities that SMMs aware of the need for change; Desire requires SMM leadership's commitment to change; Knowledge requires imparting to SMMs change know-how; and Ability requires that SMMs execute on the strategies to change, the most important change factor is MNE’s Reinforcement of SMM’s need to change and to become strategic versus transactional.

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Pull versus Push Marketing

  • PUSH business development (socio-economic-gender enterprise certification required for trade shows, networking events; poster walks, etc.) is where SMMs seek MNEs; PULL business development is where MNE seek SMMs due to their performance, maturity, and the assurance their readiness to compete in today's data-driven Industry 4.0 supply chains. While SMMs do both, DMSCA's approach to SMM business development is exclusively a PULL model. DMSCA provides SMM Performance Certification recognition in order to be discovered.

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Workforce Development and Talent Acquisition

  • While implementing transformation strategies, focus on having the right people, with the right training, and on the right job is paramount to implementation. To quote The Manufacturing Institute : "Access to a highly skilled and educated workforce is the most critical element for innovation success. Increasingly, companies report they cannot find individuals with the skills required for today’s advanced manufacturing workplaces. These skill shortages pervade all stages of manufacturing— from engineering to skilled production. Industry recognized certifications and credentials are essential to create a workforce that is prepared and successful in the 21st century workplace". DMSCA's sister organization, the DMSCA Supplier Development Foundation specifically provides support in this area.
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Measuring Economic Impact

When applicable, the community economic impact of each SMM is independently measured by the collection of employment data inputs based on Bureau of Economic Analysis Regional Economic Accounts (BEA REA), Bureau of Labor Statistics Census of Employment and Wages (BLS CEW) models to determine Output (employee compensation, proprietary income, etc.); Value Added (contribution to GPD); Labor Income (employee compensation, etc.); and, employment (full time/part-time jobs) that result from SMM operations.